The most important thing about you today is your Online Reputation. If your not managing your reputation on the internet than you might as well prepare yourself to jump off of a building because you are doing you and you're business no good as the most essential thing you can do in life is to defend your good name with practicing and adhering to guidelines that improve and enhance your online reputation management but if you don't take enough good care of yourself on the world wide web than others will know that you are an individual who is either not worth hiring nor are you worth doing business with.
It's truly amazing when you hear about a business on the radio and than you say wow I would love to go and patronize them. So the next logical step is to look up where they are located or how to contact them. The first place people go to is not Yahoo! nor is it Bing (sorry microsoft).
They go to the search engine giant known as Google and if your rep. is damaged with a ripoff report scam report or even a negative better business bureau rating than you are in big trouble.
The question about your profile is never if somebody is going to slander your once good name but when. Therefore it makes sense to be proactive in the sense of doing something smart such as hiring an internet marketing firm who can cover the tracks of slanderous material and replace it with positive articles about you or your business.
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